Monday, January 23, 2017

Focus Word

I like this idea of a focus word. I first heard about a focus word in lieu of a new years resolution on the radio.  Although, it wasn't until my reading professor charged us to think of a focus word for either the semester or year that I stopped and listened. As God often does, I believe he took this opportunity of silence to whisper to me. Immediately I heard the word humble. Be humble.

"What do you mean?" I asked Him back. His response resonated with me.

Be humble and let go. Stop trying to be a perfectionist; you are only made perfect in Me.
Be humble in motherhood. You will struggle and grow, but I will guide you along the way.
Be humble as a teacher. Remember to serve and teach your students as I serve and teach you.
Be humble as a student. There is always something new to learn.
Be humble in every situation.

Welcome to Rejoice. Read. Run. Repeat

Welcome to Rejoice. Read. Run. Repeat. 

My name is Raquel and I welcome you to join me during this season of my life. This is a big year for me and I am excited to share it with you as I rejoice, read, run, and repeat. 

First and foremost, I rejoice. I rejoice daily in my Savior's love, grace, and guidance. I rejoice in being a faithful and loving wife to my husband and training partner. In my newest role, I rejoice in being a mom to my precious daughter. 

Second, I read. I've made a resolution  to try my best to set aside time daily to read God's word. Which never fails to refresh my soul and realign my day.  In addition, I stay up late to read and study for my graduate classes. All while trying to squeeze in my leisure reading. 

Third, I'm a runner. I started off as a solo runner in high school. In college I found a training partner (my husband). With our newest addition, we have our own team as my daughter is just now old enough to run with me in the jogging stroller. 

Lastly, I repeat as best I can. 

Again, welcome and I hope you enjoy as you join me as we rejoice. read. run. repeat.